Our destiny changes with our thoughts; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thoughts correspond with our desires.” - Orison Swett Marden.
What can Hypnosis do for you?
Hypnosis helps if you struggle with the following:
Confidence, motivation, self-esteem
Letting go of the past
Fear of public speaking / giving conferences / leading workshops
Fears - of flying, travelling, social unease, etc.
Insomnia - sleeping and snoring
Perspective on life
Create your own future / motivation
Relationships (ending a relationship, releasing the past, moving forward)
Clutter - house, office.
and more
What is hypnosis?
"Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration, where peripheral distractions are minimized or excluded. It is a natural way of having access to the subconscious. It is a form of communication that harmonizes your conscious and subconscious minds. If properly used, it is a means of achieving more of the potential which we all possess." - Dr. Brian Weiss
To understand hypnosis, it is important to understand how the conscious and subconscious mind works. The conscious mind is manifests as our automatic tendencies and personality. It can be smart, but it can also be limiting, impulsive and irrational.
Right underneath this superficial mind is the subconscious or deeper mind, and it is powerful. The subconscious mind easily helps you to achieve your objectives, whether it is to be more confident or motivated. In fact, the subconscious is often called the real or deeper self. It contains the answers to your queries as well as your own deep wisdom. The greater part of your authentic self is right underneath the conscious level, below your sense of individual awareness, and it has a great impact on your conscious acts, thoughts, and feelings. Through hypnosis, I help you to harmonize your conscious and subconscious, wiser minds to empower your wisdom and true needs. And properly directed, hypnosis helps you to achieve more of your own potential. This potential is greater than we know.
In a hypnosis session your body and mind are very relaxed, but you simultaneously experience alertness. You do hear everything and throughout the session you have full control. I record the sessions based on Progression and will email them to you afterwards. My clients enjoy the peaceful positive content, and it is empowering their objectives.
In truth, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. And it is a very natural state. All I can ever be for you or anyone else is a guide. If you allow me to be your guide, I'll show you how to place yourself in a beautiful state of hypnosis. You will be experiencing physical relaxation and mental alertness, and able to move in the right direction to achieve your purposes. Once your mind is clear and your objectives are set, which is done according to your wishes and ideas, then in very few sessions you can see noticeable results. What is needed is an open mind, ready to move forward.
The structure of the sessions:
During a hypnosis session, you remain awake, and completely in control of yourself and your actions. This amazingly simple process is remarkably efficient. Hypnosis creates a profound relaxed state which allows your mind to focus, effortlessly. Hypnosis helps you to work with your issues in a relaxed environment, the certified hypnotist simply assists you attain your objective.
Hypnosis is tremendously useful for many issues, such as insomnia, anxiety and stress, to gain more self-confidence, public speaking and more.
Willpower or the desire for changes are not enough if they are coming from the more superficial part of the mind and if the subconscious mind is not aligned, as when individuals struggle for a considerable amount of time to overcome an issue. I simply assist you to connect with your inner wisdom, with your deeper self, in order to allow you to access the solutions and generate the desired changes. In fact, the solutions may not be easily accessible to the client without guided access to the deeper part of their minds.
Hypnosis is not psychology nor psychiatry; it is a very different process, and it simply employs empowering, positive suggestions and guidance to achieve the change desired by the client. Usually, 3 or 4 sessions are sufficient.
* Lynne Cardinal is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques. She is certified by Dr. Brian Weiss in regression, and she has a PhD (alternative) in Eastern Philosophy from India. Lynne has been offering Stress Management and Burnout Prevention workshops at the government and private sector for over 30 years. For more information Lynne can be reached at (613) 836.2355 or email me on the Contact page at: http://lynnecardinal.com/contact/
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